Conducting in change ringing is the role of supervising a piece of ringing such as a plain course of a method or a touch. The conductor is nominated either jointly by the band, by the tower captain or ringing master of a practice or service ringing, or by the arranger of a quarterpeal or peal. The role only survives a particular piece of ringing as different ringers may be assigned the role for each touch at a ringing practice. The conductor also rings a bell or pair of handbells in the touch, although rarely in special circumstances a person may conduct from outside the circle. The conductor uses voice commands alone, and does not mark time in the same way as conductors of other forms of music.
The conductor's responsibilities (in approximate order of importance) are to:-
- Encourage a high standard of ringing
- Ensure that the composition to be called:
- will come round
- is the desired length
- is true to the method(s) concerned (an exception is sometimes made for short practice touches)
- has been learnt correctly
- Advise the ringers (before starting) of the method(s), non-standard calls, or special start to be rung
- Say "go method name" to commence the touch
- Call any bobs, singles, changes of method etc
- Make sure what is being rung is correct and bells have not shifted with one another
- Say "that's all" when the touch is complete
- Call "stand" when the touch has completed and the desired number of ending rounds have been rung
- Call "stand" or "rounds"
- if there is an emergency, mechanical failure, or risk to the safety of the ringers
- if the touch has been miscalled
- if two or more bells have shifted
- if the standard of ringing is deemed by the conductor to be of insufficient quality
- Not make mistakes himself or herself
- Help other ringers recover from their mistakes
- Time the duration of peals and quarterpeals
- Send accurate details of peals or quarterpeals to the Ringing World / Association / Campanophile as required
- Collect tower / association / Ringing World fees or donations as required